Five Content Ideas for your Mom Blog’s Social Media

Five Content Ideas for your Mom Blog’s Social Media

Mom Blog’s Five Content Ideas

Social media marketing has been one of the most effective strategies in introducing a brand. It’s also a proven tool to sustain a good reputation.

The question is, have you been using social media to boost your business presence? And if you are, are you using it the right way?

These are the questions that we plan to address in this post. If you’re encountering problems like not knowing how to start in marketing your online shop or mom blog through social media or running out of content to share, you’ve come to the right place.

What we’d like to share with you first is that you can’t post just about anything in your online shop or mom blog’s social media accounts. But you cannot be too careful either that you tend not to post anything at all.

For us, the perfect balance lies in the diversity and sufficiency of content that you share in these accounts. Here are some content ideas that will help keep your social media presence consistent.

Blog Posts

Obviously, if you’re a mom blogger with your own blog site, you should publish these blog posts to your social media accounts. If you write once, twice, or even more frequently in a week, then you should have more content to post in your social media accounts.

Even online shops should have a blog page in their website where posts can be published. This is where your ideas, tips, explanations, and elaboration about your products and services can be written.

Quick notes on publishing blog posts to social media:

  • Always upload an attractive featured image that goes with the link to your blog post
  • Make a very short description as the caption for the link post
  • Instagram doesn’t show a clickable link so you might want to shorten the URL of your post by using third-party apps or programs like Rebrandly
  • Better to have a uniform caption across all social media accounts for consistency

Your Own Photos

Photos are eye candies. This has been proven by the popularity of Instagram as a photo-sharing site. People love sharing and looking at photos whatever those photos may be so make sure you show yours.

If you’re selling products from your online shop, share photos of them on some days when you don’t have any new blog post to share. If yours is a mom blog site, share a photo related to your niche and write a catchy caption for it.

Graphic Design

As we said earlier, the content of your social media accounts should be diverse. Aside from purely single photos or collage of photos, post graphics on some days too. This kind of content is more catchy than pure texts and it’s effective in delivering a message at one glance. It could be a graphic design of your promo for the month or an infographic explaining something on your niche.

If your mom blog is about parenting, you might want to share a creative infographic showing a day in a businesswoman-mom’s life. If you’re selling healthy baby products in your online shop, you might want to share graphics showing the advantages of those products. Extend your imagination and go as creative as you can. You have so much time to do that with 7 posts a week, one each day, or more!

Website Pages

Still not enough graphics, photos, and blog posts to share? Then post a link of your website pages to your social media accounts.

Publish a link post of your About page and write a very short summary of it as the caption. Share your Reviews page so your audience can see how trustworthy you are. You can also share links to your Service pages to tell everyone what you can do for them.

Use these website pages to introduce yourself, your products, and your services to your audience little by little.

External Sources

Now, we’re going offsite. You can make your social media posts highly diverse by sharing something interesting from another website every once in a while.

For example, if there’s a latest global news that everyone is talking about, share a link from a news site to your page and put a caption that people can relate to. The same strategy applies when there’s a local news in your country that’s worth sharing.

Some other external sources that you can publish in your social media accounts are links, videos, and photos about trending online topics. They will easily catch the attention of your audience so expect to reap thumbs ups and hearts when you post them!

Last Piece of Advice

Consistency is the name of the game in social media marketing. You cannot stop because you don’t have a content to post. Instead, you should keep looking for content so you’ll have something to share with your audience. This is how you start building and maintaining a strong presence in this marketing arena.

This article was originally posted Mom Marketing Coach

5 Ways to Balance Life as a Mom, Blogger and an Ambitious Entrepreneur

5 Ways to Balance Life as a Mom, Blogger and an Ambitious Entrepreneur

Do You Wonder How You Will Do it All? It’s Possible!

The world is filled with moms who simply want more. They want to give more, do more, be more – and most of all, live more! This is common and in no way means that life is unfulfilled. In a sense, it means that there is more of you to give.

As a mom, life is filled with moments of joy, laughter, surprise and aha moments. On the other side of the coin, there is the anxiety, unexplained tears and the urge to get more out of life. There is a world of untapped talent out there and blogging is the perfect tool to knock down those doors. Bloggers have such big voices and are influential in the lives of many. The balance of being a mom, blogger and an entrepreneur is easily confused with skill. It’s less of a skill and more of a passion. You’re passionate about being a good mom, a consistent blogger and a successful entrepreneur. The passion is there, but the balance – the balance has been a struggle.

Let’s take a look at a few ways to find balance and brilliance as a blogger.

  1. Start the Day with Your Kids

Every parent is different but most importantly, every child is different. The primary goal of most moms is to spend as much time with their kids as possible. Their ages will determine how much time they actually want to spend with you (there will come a day when your kids simply won’t have time for mommy). Begin the day with your kids to get a dose of love and happiness to start your day. Doing so frees your mind to concentrate on other things throughout the day without feeling the guilt of neglecting your kids. With a free mind, you can focus on creating great blogs and your business.

  1. Stay Focused

Many mom bloggers work from home, the sunroom, the neighborhood coffee shop or anywhere there is good Wi-Fi. It is essential to remain focused on the end goals. Don’t allow daily distractions to take you away from the important stuff. It’s easy to log into Facebook, Instagram or other social media to check out the latest updates. If you’re like me, those email alerts sound-off throughout the day, and you check them on every hour. I’m not telling you to ignore business emails, that is by no means the takeaway here. But don’t become side-tracked by the email blast that Old Navy sent about that sale that ends at midnight. You know the one that runs every week. Restrict checking personal emails to certain times of the day. Make sure that you adhere to the schedule each day.

  1. List It

This goes back to the basics. Make a list of things to do, but this time – DO THEM! This list could change daily. Write down everything that must be done for the day and make sure to add at least one thing that is a goal. The opportunity to cross things off your list will give you a feeling of accomplishment like never before. It reminds you just how gratifying the little things can be.

  1. Set Realistic Goals

While it’s true that you can do anything you set your mind to, there are some things you have no control over. A sick baby, aafter-schoolactivities, unexpected guests and other similar occurrences can happen at a moments notice. When they occur, it sometimes puts a wrinkle in our plans. This isn’t a sign that the goal won’t or can’t happen, only that it will happen later. Don’t be yourself up for having a minor setback. It may not be part of your plan but it’s obviously the way things are intended to happen. One of the most positive aspects of being your own boss is that you can always reschedule that appointment you missed with yourself. Loosen up and live to “goal” another day.

  1. Implement a Routine

Every successful business has an opening and closing time. Even 24-hour businesses close occasionally for inventory. Create a routine for day and night hours. This gives an opportunity to work on your business and give your family the attention they need. Don’t be afraid to enforce bath or bed time rules. It will give you the time you need to take care of yourself, your blog and your business.

These are only a few suggestions to help mom bloggers get a rhythm in life. There are no rights or wrongs in living life as a blogger. However, if you want to build a life as a great mom, brilliant blogger and aspiring entrepreneur, you must balance as you build!

This article was originally posted on

Photo Copyright: lightfieldstudios / 123RF Stock Photo
