Moms Finding Success as a Blogger

To clear the smoke screen before it develops, there’s no other way to be a mom than doing it full-time. It’s what we eat, breathe, sleep and most of all, it’s what we love. There are other areas in life that bring us fulfillment and perhaps helps us to become even better mothers.

Most mommy bloggers have found this to be a tool of emotional, personal and professional completion. The benefits can be small or enormous, but for most, it is somewhat rewarding. A celebratory moment for many bloggers is the moment they discover their passion can actually become a successful career that doesn’t take them away from their children, family, and other important life issues at the most critical times.

The Beginning

Think back to the days when blogging was just a thought or a desire you had but were afraid to go after. Remember the times when you were only reading the blogs of others wondering how they managed to pull it all together. Oh, what’s that? This is you right now, at this very moment? Well, guess what? You’re at the peak of your success as a blogger.

The fear that you feel in the pit of your stomach is the fuel that will cause you to pour every ounce of your creativity, personality, and experience into your blog. You are building your blog based on that one thing or things that you are passionate about. You will base your posts, research, and videos on experience, relationships, failures, and successes. People will respond to your blog based on the effort and compassion you put into it. As passionately as you read the blogs of others, you must pour into your own. You become a successful blogger when you’re not only blogging for others but to fulfill your very own desire to get things done.

Let’s take an up-close look at a few ways to grow your blog into a full-time success.

  1. Time Management

Let’s begin by removing the false concept that to be successful as a blogger, you must work at it 24 hours per day! Doctors, teachers, lawyers, military personnel and many others are successful, and they have personal lives that reflect that success. It is crucial to managing your time effectively as a blogger. Make schedules and stick to them. Coordinate calendars for kid’s school, extracurricular activities, social gatherings, family time and mother. If it must be done, it needs to be added to the calendar. Designate specific hours of the day that are dedicated to efforts toward your blog. It doesn’t have to be the same hours each day or the same number. It is wise to set a goal of hours per week, allocate those hours and work to achieve it.

  1. Realize the Consequences

This is one of the most important steps to becoming a successful blogger. Create boundaries for yourself and most importantly, for others. NEVER allow anyone to downplay the importance of your commitment as a blogger, especially if this is your career. Everyone reads blogs, but not everyone appreciates the work that goes into them. During those preselected hours of research, posting or reviewing, do not let others convince you to put it off until later. Most importantly, you must advocate for your position harder than anyone else. It’s easy for your friend to run out for lunch and ask you to join her for an hour, but if it’s not your lunch hour, it simply won’t work! The end result could easily be you postponing your blog contribution time to later regret it because you’re behind schedule. Your friend will eagerly meet you during her lunch hour but will return to work on time, because she knows the consequences of failing to do so. As a blogger, realize there are consequences for your actions also.

  1. Create Quality Content

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is falling victim to the click-bait trap. You begin to lose yourself and everything that motivated you to start blogging in the first place. There is a load of viral content out there and it seems everyone is reading it. Well, you’re right! People do read it, but they recognize it for what it is, viral. It spreads quickly, has no valuable substance and eventually fades away. As a mom blogger with valuable insight and information that others want and need to hear, create quality content. Use valuable sources and always accredit those sources for their contribution. Take tips from other bloggers who have grown successful over the years.

  1. Expand Your Product Line

Blogging is not a one-way street. There are many avenues that lead to many places in the world of blogging. Professional services, products, crafts and much more can become a part of your blog. This is a major part of growing the following of your blog. It requires strategy and marketing concept but can be done effectively. This is another step in the process of success that many bloggers discover as they grow. It doesn’t matter at what rate you grow, the point is to grow consistently.

As a mom and a blogger, I know and understand the challenges that present themselves. I know how easy it is to give into anxiety and fear of not gaining immediate success. Most importantly, I also know how easy it is to turn all those fears and anxieties into the ammunition you need to help your blog grow in the direction you would like to see. There are no overnight success stories to be told and no magic potion to help you succeed. But there is a process to your success as a blogger and a full-time mom, and I’m excited to help you grow into your best years as a blogger!

This article was originally posted on Mom Marketing May 2018

Photo Copyright: marysmn / 123RF Stock Photo
