Your Mommy Blog and The Kids

We are living in an interesting time. Many of us clearly remember what life was like before the internet, and we can see how much has changed because of it. 

This is not going to be a rant about the evils of technology. I love having access to the world’s knowledge at my fingertips. I love checking my bank balance and transferring money from my smartphone. I love being able to text and email people instead of spending time on the phone. I love keeping in contact through social media with grade school friends (and teachers) who live far away.

Although there have always been freelance writers, I can’t imagine how difficult it would have been to make connections before the internet. I owe my living to the world wide web.

If you are considering starting a mommy blog, you must love technology as well. You must be enamored about connecting with others who are going through the same things as you are. You may love the idea of making a few extra bucks through affiliate marketing or promoting products or services through your blog. Maybe you need a creative outlet because you miss the working world.

These are all excellent reasons to start a mommy blog. We support you on this decision, and that’s why we have created this website to help you on your journey.

But recently, we have run across articles about some of the negative aspects of mommy blogging. Some of the stories were written by ex-bloggers, and some were accounts of young teens who discovered that their childhood traumas and heartaches were shared with the world.

On the one hand, you want to provide your readers with authentic accounts of life in the trenches. You want to make connections with others who have similar struggles as you.

On the other hand, how will your mommy blog affect your child — especially as they become teenagers and young adults?

We don’t have all the answers, but here are some things to consider as you start in the blogging world. 

1. You may have a difficult time determining what is embarrassing or not.

Most mommy bloggers would say that they would never share “embarrassing” things about their kids, but we all know people who do. We see it on social media all the time. 

We cringe at posts from the mom who shares that her 16-year-old is “refusing to go to school again.” We roll our eyes when a mom writes about the verbal screaming match she had with her 11-year-old daughter. And then there are all the discussions about potty training, bed wetting, and other bodily functions.

The fact is that you may not know what is considered embarrassing or not. 

2. You may struggle with drawing a line between helping others with their journies and oversharing.

Let’s say that you have discovered that a reaction to red dye causes your daughter’s bedwetting. You want to shout this from the hilltops because others may be having the same struggle with their kids, and you want to help them fix the problem. Doing so would mean that you are sharing this embarrassing information with others about your daughter. 

What if your child has a learning disability? Perhaps you have discovered techniques or strategies that have helped your child. You want to share this information, but doing so will reveal to the world your child’s struggles.

What if your child makes bad decisions and gets into trouble? You know that many people out there have similar experiences, and you want to connect with them. How do you do so without sharing too much about your situation?

3. You may find yourself teetering on the line between authenticity and perceived perfection.

Since you don’t want to be accused of oversharing or posting content that could be embarrassing, you may find yourself only writing about those lighthearted parenting moments. 

Instead of telling your readers about how it took you an hour to get the shoes and socks on your screaming toddler, you share about how your family had a magical time at the local petting zoo. 

Instead of discussing how hard it is to be the parent of a goalie in soccer because you have to hear the comments from other parents sitting in the stands, you post photos of your daughter making fantastic saves.

Final Thoughts

We think that mommy blogs are a great way to share your parenting journey with others. We love how blogging can provide extra income to struggling families. But as you embark on this journey, be thoughtful of your content. 

This article was originally posted at Mom Marketing Coach.
