Mom Blog Topics During COVID-19

Are you having a difficult time adding content to your mommy blog during this recent pandemic? You aren’t alone. While some infant and toddler mommy bloggers may be facing the same schedule, as usual, others with school-aged children are probably struggling to find the time to do anything other than homeschooling, cooking, ordering groceries, and checking in on aging parents.

We know that part of the problem with mommy blogging is coming up with unique topics to cover. For the first part of our blog today, we would like to share some topics for you that will help you support your readers during this pandemic.

Consider writing about the following topics:

How to explain COVID-19 to your preschooler

How to set up a work station for your children

Healthy meals you can make with the items in your pantry

Free educational resources available as a result of COVID-19

How to celebrate Mother’s Day during a pandemic

How to stay connected to grandparents during a quarantine

Quarantine and the only child

How to give your child a haircut

Tips for planning a quarantine birthday party

Parenting a child with autism during COVID-19

Homeschooling tips for the quarantined family

How to host a virtual playdate

Having a baby during COVID-19

Virtual field trips for your children

Games to play with your child during the quarantine

How to support your grandparents during COVID-19

How to stay sane during the COVID-19 quarantine

Maintaining a schedule for your kids during the coronavirus pandemic

Parenting during COVID-19

How to use a quarantine to teach your kids household skills

How to work from home with kids

Free websites with educational games

Neighborhood games to play while under quarantine

Helping your child succeed at school during a pandemic

Most of these topics could be covered based on simple internet searches or personal experiences. These topics offer support to stressed-out parents and provide them with tips on how to maintain order during uncertain times.

Avoid these COVID-19 topics on your mommy blog:

Perhaps you are led to cover more serious issues as well that relate to coronavirus. Maybe you have heard about a friend’s friend who was on a ventilator for 11 days. Perhaps you want to make a list of health tips that you have seen while scrolling through Facebook about how to avoid the virus.

While no one can limit what you write about, please be considerate of your readers. Unless you have a degree in medicine or another related field, please avoid giving medical advice to your readers. Unless you can link your advice to information on the CDC website, avoid writing about it. It’s socially irresponsible to spread incorrect information during a pandemic.

Also, consider the ramifications of writing blogs that promote panic. While you may receive a few more shares with such topics, at what cost? While you may not intend to cause anxiety to your reader based on your unsubstantiated claims, that may be what occurs.

Other things to consider when writing a COVID-19 mommy blog:

We are all affected differently by COVID-19. If you are a stay-at-home mommy blogger, your life may have changed very little. Perhaps you have the inconvenience of having to grocery shop online or having a spouse work from home. If this describes your situation, it is important that you realize how lucky you are.

Your readers and followers may not be so lucky.

Your readers may be suffering from a loss of income. They may be worried about making rent or house payments. They may be panicked on how to take care of their children and elderly parents at the same time. They may be worried about running out of essentials.

While you may be worried about the condition of your nails, other people may have loved ones with the virus. Always remember that thousands of people have died from this virus across the country. Those are your readers’ parents and grandparents.

Even though we aren’t suggesting that you completely change the tone of your blog, you may want to be more careful than usual before hitting the “publish” button on your website. Consider waiting 24 hours before sharing your work and review the material before posting.

We teach our kids to consider their words carefully before speaking or sharing something on social media. We ask our kids to consider these three questions:

Is it true?
Is it necessary?
Is it kind?

As you learn to navigate this new normal with your readers, consider the answer to those three questions.

This article was originally posted at Mom Marketing Coach.
